University of Lusaka

SVT_BUS012#216:Silverest Lecture Room 012 Lecture /Seminar Rooms BUSINESS BLOCK #201 [svt_bus012#216.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBBA141_C:COMMUNICATION SKILLS GROUP CBBA240 _BUS#B.:Quantitave Methods Business Students GROUP B#250  BAS330#16.:Life Contingencies I#16BBA100_TT_#A:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications TUTORIAL GROUP A       
A1TueBAS240.#18:Financial Mathematics I #18ECF250/BAS430_:Financial Economics #50            
A1WedBBA260/361_SLVb:Research Methods in business and Social SciencesBPS130#20b:Stores and Inventory Management #20HRM460 SVT:Leadership: Theory & Practice #5  BBA260_C_TT_SLV:Research Methods GROUP A TUTORIAL       
A1ThuBBA260/361_SLVc:Research Methods in business and Social Sciences BF330_TT_B#100:Financial Risk Management TUTORIAL GROUP B#100AFIN209A_TT_SVT:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling TUTORIAL GROUP A#140 BBA140_C:Business Environment GROUP C        
A1Fri  HRM100_TT_C:Management Theory and Practice Group C TUTORIAL#110 HRM110#15.:Principles of Psychology and Critical Thinking#15          

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)