University of Lusaka

BBA100_TT_#A:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications TUTORIAL GROUP A  (1/8)
(R) SVT_BUS012#216:Silverest Lecture Room 012 Lecture /Seminar Rooms BUSINESS BLOCK #201 Mon [16:00-17:00]   (1)
(P) CIE_11:Certificate in Entrepreneurship 1st Year 1st Semester
(P) BIP11:Bachelor of Science Insurance & Pensions Management 1st Yr 1st Semester
(P) BFIN11:Bachelor of Science Banking & Finance 1st Yr 1st Semester
(P) AFIN11:Bachelor of Science Accounting & Finance 1st Yr 1st Semester

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)