University of Lusaka
2nd semester 2024 physical_with_premed(04).mfw  

ECF100 _ED#200:Principles of Economics#200  (0/8)
(R) PNR_RM32#120:Lecture Room 32 @ Pioneer Campus Capacity#120
(P) BRE11:Bachelor of Science Real Estate Management 1st Yr 1st Semester
(P) BPA12:Bachelor of Science Public Administration 1st Yr 2nd Semester
(P) BPIR11:Bachelor of Science Politics & International Relations 1st Yr 1st Semester
(L) B003:Mr Chimuka Matongo

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (23/07/2024 17:51)