University of Lusaka
2nd semester 2024 physical_15rooms(07).mfw  

BFIN41:Bachelor of Science Banking & Finance 4th Yr 1st Semester [bfin41.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBBA420_SVRST:Organizational Theory & Behavior               
A1TueBF420#SVRST:Lease & Project Finance #30      L410#35**:Banking Law and Practice #35     
A1Wed    BF420#SVT:Lease & Project Finance #30          
A1ThuBF410#10*:Corporate & Merchant Banking #10BBA420_SVT:Organizational Theory & Behavior L410#35**:Banking Law and Practice #35          
A1Fri    BF410#10:Corporate & Merchant Banking #10          

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (07/08/2024 09:06)