University of Lusaka
istsemester 2025 physical_bus_virtual (05).mfw  

LH009#120:Room 9 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35 [lh009#120.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1Mon  L311#60_LLB:Intellectual Property Law_LAW STUDENTS#60  L101_TT #295:Legal and Academic Writing Tutorial GROUP A#295L101_TT #295b:Legal and Academic Writing Tutorial GROUP BL101_TT #295d:Legal and Academic Writing Tutorial GROUP D #295       
A1TueL312#77:International Trade and Economic Law #77L302#80:Company Law & Practice #80   L101_TT #295c:Legal and Academic Writing Tutorial GROUP C        
A1WedL412_FT#30.:Probate and Succession Law#30L311#60_LLB:Intellectual Property Law_LAW STUDENTS#60      L312 PT#19:International Trade and Economic Law #19
A1ThuL400 A #61:Dissertation I #61L411 TT#30b:Conveyancing Tutorial Group B#30L414#50:Competition Law #50          
A1FriL400 A #61:Dissertation I #61              

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (2/3/2025 17:48)