University of Lusaka
istsemester 2025 physical_bus_virtual (05).mfw  

L050:Ms Inonge Mutemwa [l050.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonL312#65.:International Trade and Economic Law #65L403#58:Jurisprudence & Legal Theory #58      L403PT#16:Jurisprudence & Legal Theory PT#16
A1TueL312#77:International Trade and Economic Law #77L403_#45:Jurisprudence & Legal Theory _#45   L403_TT#58:Jurisprudence & Legal Theory TUTORIAL #58        
A1Wed          L312 PT#19:International Trade and Economic Law #19
A1ThuL315_MEX.:Mooting & Advocacy Skills Exams #55        
A1FriL312_BUS_#10:International Trade and Economic Law #10 L312_BUS_#10.:International Trade and Economic Law #10           

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (2/3/2025 17:48)