University of Lusaka
istsemester 2025 physical_bus_virtual (05).mfw
HRM100_B_BUS:Management Theory and Practice GROUP B (2/8)
(R) SVT_BUS003#216:Silverest Lecture Room 03 GROUND FLOOR BUSINESS BLOCK#160
Mon [12:00-13:00]...[13:00-14:00] (2)
(P) BPS12:Bachelor of Science Purchasing & Supply 1st Yr 2nd Semester
(L) B014:Mr Sikawala Musonda
(P) CIE_12:Certificate in Entrepreneurship 1st Year 2nd Semester
(P) ECF12:Bachelor of Science Economics 1st Yr 2nd Semester
(P) BSM12:Bachelor of Science Marketing 1st Yr 2nd Semester
(P) ECA12:Bachelor of Arts Economics 1st Yr 2nd Semester
Mimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (2/3/2025 17:48)