University of Lusaka
istsemester 2025 physical_bus_virtual (05).mfw
AFIN102PT:Financial Accounting PT#128 (0/12)
(L) B183:Mr. Edgar Mwansa
(P) BIP12- PT:Bachelor of Science Insurance & Pensions Management 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) CIE_11-PT:Certificate in Entrepreneurship Part Time
(P) AFIN12-PT:Bachelor of Science Accounting & Finance 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) BACT12- PT:Bachelor of Science In Actuarial Science 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) BBA12- PT:Bachelor of Business Administration 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) BFIN12- PT:Bachelor of Science Banking & Finance 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(R) PNR_RM04#134:Lecture Room 4 @ Pioneer Campus Capacity#134
(P) BLTM12- PT:Bachelor of Science in Logistics and Transport Management 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) BPS12- PT:Bachelor of Science Purchasing & Supply 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) BSM12- PT:Bachelor of Science Marketing 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) ECA12 PT:Bachelor of Arts Economics 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) ECF12- PT:Bachelor of Science Economics 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) HRM12- PT:Bachelor of Science Human Resources 1st Yr 2nd Semester PT
(P) CIE_PT:Certificate in Entrepreneurship Part Time
(P) BIT21- PT:Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Technology 2nd Yr 1st Semester PT
Mimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (2/3/2025 17:48)