University of Lusaka

TUT002:Mr Andrew Daka [tut002.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1Mon    ECF200TT#60:Intermediate Microeconomics Tutorial Grouo#60ECF300TT_B#45:Managerial Economics Tutorial Group B#55BBA170_GRP D TT:Business Law Group D Tutorial         
A1TueBBA170_GRP A TT:Business Law Group A TutorialBBA170_GRP C TT:Business Law Group C Tutorial   ECF110A_TT/CA1.:Introduction to Macroeconomics Tutorial Group A#50BBA350 TT:Company Law Tutorial #38         
A1WedECF110B_TT #75:Introduction to Macroeconomics GROUP B#75ECF300TT_A#50:Managerial Economics Tutorial Group A#50ECF300TT_C#45:Managerial Economics Tutorial Group C#45  ECF240TT#55:Intermediate Macroeconomics Tutorial #55          
A1Thu    BBA170_GRP B TT:Business Law Group B Tutorial           
A1Fri     ECF110 _ED_TT:Introduction to Macroeconomics EDUCATION GROUP TUTORIAL          

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)