University of Lusaka

SVT_CO_LAB:Silverest Computer Lab [svt_co_lab.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBAS320#14.:Computational Methods Data Analysis#14BAS340:Actuarial Mathematics II #5AFIN250_TT:Introduction to Computerised Accounting TUTORIALBAS320TT#5:Computational Methods Data Analysis TUTORIALAFIN250_FT:Introduction to Computerised AccountingAFIN435_TT:Computer Application in Investment & Management With COMFAR Tutorial       
A1Tue  BSPH123#45:Biostatistics #45AFIN250_FT:Introduction to Computerised Accounting        
A1WedBSPH323#35:Health Systems, Research & Projects #35  BSPH315#40:Health Mapping & GIS #40        
A1Thu  AFIN434#10:Sage Pastel#10  BSPH315#40:Health Mapping & GIS #40        
A1Fri  AFIN435#10:Computer Application in Investment & Management With COMFAR #10  AFIN434#10:Sage Pastel#10        

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)