University of Lusaka

SVT_BUS009#264:Silverest Lecture Room 09 Lecture /Seminar Rooms BUSINESS BLOCK #75 [svt_bus009#264.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBF360_SVRT:Operations ResearchBBA141_TT_D:Business Communication Skills Group D #85   BPS200#15*:Purchasing Principles and Procurement Methods #15BAS209TT#30:Probability and Statistics I #30       
A1TueBBA140#__B_:Business Environment GROUP BBAS300TT#5:Actuarial Mathematics I #5BAS300#5.:Actuarial Mathematics I #5           
A1WedAFIN209#200.B:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP B#140    BBA140_A:BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT GROUP A        
A1ThuBAS210#20:Probability and Statistics II #20BBA420_#SVT:Organizational Theory & Behavior   BBA170_GROUP B_:Business Law Group B        
A1FriBBA490_SVT.b:Project and Contract Management #40BBA140TT_B:Business Environment Tutorial Group B-BBAAFIN215_TT:Financial Reporting, Analysis and Planning - Tutorial Group#45BAS210_TT#20:Probability and Statistics II Tutorial Group#20 BAS209TT#30:Probability and Statistics I #30         

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)