University of Lusaka

SVT_BUS005#242:Silverest Lecture Room 05 GROUND FLOOR BUSINESS BLOCK#192 [svt_bus005#242.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1Mon  HRM100_A_BUS#:Management Theory and Practice GROUP ABF320_SVT:Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management #80AFIN428#10:Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis #10BBA360_SVRST:Entrepreneurship & Innovation #137     
A1TueAFIN428#10:Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis #10ECF320/BF466_:Money, Banking & Financial Markets #55AFIN102B_TT:Financial Accounting Tutorial Group B#128ECF110A_TT/CA1.:Introduction to Macroeconomics Tutorial Group A#50  BAS260 TT#25:Statistical Inference TUTORIAL #25       
A1WedHRM100_B_BUS.:Management Theory and Practice GROUP BAFIN209_A#200.:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP A#140HRM100_A_BUS:Management Theory and Practice GROUP AAFIN209_A#200.:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP A#140AFIN209#200.B*:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP B#140     
A1ThuBBA240 _BUS#A:Quantitave Methods Business Students GROUP A#250AFIN208#35.b:Principles of Taxation #45  BSM230#4*:Internet Marketing /E-Commerce #4        
A1Fri  BBA250_SVT#25:Customer Service#15  AFIN260_FT:Management Accounting        

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)