University of Lusaka

HRM21:Bachelor of Science Human Resources 2nd Yr 1st Semester [hrm21.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBSM210_FT:Principles of Marketing FT HRM220_BUS#50:Human Resource Management#50 AFIN209D_TT_SVT:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling TUTORIAL GROUP D#140 HRM220_BUS_TT:Human Resource Management TUTORIAL        
A1TueBSM210_FT:Principles of Marketing FT               
A1WedAFIN209#200.B:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP B#140HRM130_BUS#55:Introduction to Sociology For Business Students#55    AFIN209#200.B*:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP B#140     
A1Thu  HRM 220_#:Human Resource management            
A1FriHRM130_BUS#55:Introduction to Sociology For Business Students#55    BSM210_TT:Principles of Marketing TUTORIAL         

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)