University of Lusaka

BPS11:Bachelor of Science Purchasing & Supply 1st Yr 1st Semester [bps11.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBBA140#__B:Business Environment GROUP B BBA120-B_SVTb:Business Mathematics GROUP B           
A1TueBBA140#__B_:Business Environment GROUP BBBA120_GRP_E:BUSINESS MATHEMATICS TUTORIAL GROUP E             
A1WedBBA100_B:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications GROUP B  BBA140TT_G:Business Environment Tutorial Group G-ECA/BIP/BPS BBA100_B:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications GROUP BBBA100_TT_B:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications TUTORIAL GROUP B       
A1ThuBBA120-B_SVT:Business Mathematics GROUP B.BBA141_BUS_B*:Business Communication Skills GROUP B #172BPS100#20.:Purchasing and Supply Chain Management #20          
A1FriBBA141_BUS_B:Business Communication Skills GROUP A #172    BPS100#20:Purchasing and Supply Chain Management #20        

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/27/2025 17:58)