University of Lusaka

BACT22:Bachelor of Science In Actuarial Science 2nd Yr 2nd Semester [bact22.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1Mon     AFIN209D_TT_SVT:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling TUTORIAL GROUP D#140BAS210 #24:Probability and Statistics II         
A1TueBBA170_GRP A TT:Business Law Group A Tutorial     BAS250 #10.:Financial Mathematics II #10BAS260 TT#25:Statistical Inference TUTORIAL #25       
A1WedBAS260.#20*:Statistical Inference #20AFIN209_A#200.:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP A#140BAS250TT #5:Financial Mathematics II Tutorial #5 AFIN209_A#200.:Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP A#140        
A1ThuBAS210#20:Probability and Statistics II #20 BAS250 #10.b:Financial Mathematics II #10           
A1FriBAS260.#20:Statistical Inference #20BBA170_GROUP A_:Business Law Group ABAS210_TT#20:Probability and Statistics II Tutorial Group#20 BBA170_GROUP A:Business Law Group A        

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