University of Lusaka
residential 2nd semester nov_dec 2023.mfw  

B014:Mr Sikawala Musonda [b014.ics]
(Mon - Sun)
A1Mon  HRM100__BUS:Management Theory and Practice     HRM100_ED:Management Theory and Practice       
A1Tue    BSPH113#66:Introduction to Public Administration & Political Education #66 BSPH113#66:Introduction to Public Administration & Political Education #66       
A1Wed    HRM100__BUS:Management Theory and Practice   HRM100_SVT:Management Theory and Practice Group #110     
A1Thu    HRM100_ED:Management Theory and Practice       
A1FriBSPH113#66:Introduction to Public Administration & Political Education #66BSPH 113_SVT:INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC ADMININITRATION AND POLITICAL EDUCATION  HRM100_SVT:Management Theory and Practice Group #110        
A1SunHRM100_TEST:Management Theory and Practice 26/11/2023 #80 BSPH 113 TEST:INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC ADMISTRATION AND POLITICAL EDUCATION 26/11/2023           

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (20/11/2023 20:06)