A1 | Mon | BIT402.:IS Project /Research | AFIN321#51:Public Sector Accounting #51 | | | AFIN208#BPS/BR.:Principles of Taxation #35 | | | AFIN215PT#10:Financial Reporting, Analysis and Planning-#10 |
A1 | Tue | BIT402.:IS Project /Research | AFIN208#BPS/BRE:Principles of Taxation #35 | BIT402_TT:IS Project /Research TUTORIAL | | | | | AFIN208PT:Principles of Taxation PT#40 |
A1 | Wed | AFIN321#51.:Public Sector Accounting #51 | | | | | AFIN321_TT#51:Public Sector Accounting #51 | | | AFIN321PT#15:Public Sector Accounting PT#15 |
A1 | Thu | AFIN215#45:Financial Reporting, Analysis and Planning #45 | | AFIN208#35.:Principles of Taxation #45 | | AFIN215_TT:Financial Reporting, Analysis and Planning - Tutorial Group#45 | AFIN208TT.#20:Principles of Taxation Tutorial#20 | | | | | | | | |
A1 | Fri | AFIN215#45:Financial Reporting, Analysis and Planning #45 | AFIN208#35.:Principles of Taxation #45 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 08:00-08:30 | 08:30-09:00 | 09:00-09:30 | 09:30-10:00 | 10:00-10:30 | 10:30-11:00 | 11:00-11:30 | 11:30-12:00 | 12:00-12:30 | 12:30-13:00 | 13:00-13:30 | 13:30-14:00 | 14:00-14:30 | 14:30-15:00 | 15:00-15:30 | 15:30-16:00 | 16:00-17:00