SVT_BUS001#252:Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192 A1
   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
BBA270#25. Business Ethics and Sustainability
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B091 Mr Owen Muteke
ECF100 BUS_A Principles of Economics#200
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B003 Mr. Mark Chindumba
HRM100_B_BUS. Management Theory and Practice GROUP B
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B014 Mr Sikawala Musonda
BAS340. Acturial Mathematics II #7
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B174 Ms Veronica Mtonga
AFIN102_FT#350 Financial Accounting FT #350
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B094 Mr Edgar Mubanga Mwansa
HRM100_A_BUS# Management Theory and Practice GROUP A
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B014 Mr Sikawala Musonda
BBA140#_BUS_B Business Environment GROUP B
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B178 Dr Chibozu Maambo
AFIN209_A#200. Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP A#140
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B042 Mr Macmillan Handema
ECF100 BUS_A Principles of Economics#200
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B003 Mr. Mark Chindumba
BBA140#_BUS_B Business Environment GROUP B
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B178 Dr Chibozu Maambo
HRM100_A_BUS Management Theory and Practice GROUP A
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B014 Mr Sikawala Musonda
BBA170_FT_BUS Business Law
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
L045 Ms Chungu Mwelwa
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B178 Dr Chibozu Maambo
ECF320#55 Money, Banking & Financial Markets #55
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B025 Ms Mutale Natasha Mpuku
BBA250_SVT#25. Customer Service#15
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B019 Ms Abby Nakalinda Mumba
AFIN209_A#200. Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP A#140
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B042 Mr Macmillan Handema
BBA140#BUS/BSPH Business Environment
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B178 Dr Chibozu Maambo
AFIN260_FT Management Accounting
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B159 Mr Chonya
AFIN210TT_B_SVT Cost Accounting Tutorial Group B#40
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B159 Mr Chonya
BBA360_SVRST Entrepreneurship & Innovation #137
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B157 Ms Mwaba Kasase B178 Dr Chibozu Maambo
BBA360_SVRST Entrepreneurship & Innovation #137
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B157 Ms Mwaba Kasase B178 Dr Chibozu Maambo
AFIN209#200.B* Corporate Finance & Financial Modeling GROUP B#140
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B042 Mr Macmillan Handema
BBA100_TT_A Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications TUTORIAL GROUP A
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B146 Mrs Sushma Moily
ECF211_TT_A Mathematics For Economics I TUTORIAL#60
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B006 Amos Mungalu
ECF211_TT_B Mathematics For Economics I TUTORIAL GROUP B#60
SVT_BUS001#252 Silverest Lecture Room 01 BUSINESS BLOCK#192
B006 Amos Mungalu
Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Mimosa Scheduling Software 7.1.9 10/07/2024 17:51
University of Lusaka