University of Lusaka
2nd semester 2024 physical_with_premed (02).mfw  

BF210_TT#20.:Monetary And Financial Systems TUTORIAL#20  (1/8)
(R) SVT005_MB#117:Silverest Lecture Room 5 MAIN BLOCK#117 Mon [13:00-14:00]   (1)
(P) BFIN21:Bachelor of Science Banking & Finance 2nd Yr 1st Semester
(L) B025:Ms Mutale Natasha Mpuku
(P) BIP21:Bachelor of Science Insurance & Pensions Management 2nd Yr 1st Semester

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (10/07/2024 17:51)