University of Lusaka
2nd semester 2021 virtual new.mfw  

RM17VT:Computer Room 17 VT CLASS [rm17vt.ics]
(Mon - Sun)
A1MonBIT344.:Introduction to Business Web Application Development/BWA Client Side  BIT112#60..:Introduction to Programing/Programing Concepts#60 BIT107#30:Operating Systems Operations and Services#30    
A1TueBIT107#30:Operating Systems Operations and Services#30  AFIN434#10:Quick Books Computerised Accounting #10AFIN435#10:Computer Application in Investment & Management With COMFAR #10    
A1WedBIT213 #30:Java Programming For Beginners#30  AFIN434#10:Quick Books Computerised Accounting #10BIT344.:Introduction to Business Web Application Development/BWA Client Side AFIN435PT/DL#15:Computer Application in Investment & Management With COMFAR PT #15 
A1Thu    RE260_FT#5:Geographical Information System _VT#5BIT121/BIT221#:Data Information and Management A#55AFIN435#10:Computer Application in Investment & Management With COMFAR #10   
A1FriBIT213 #30:Java Programming For Beginners#30BIT102.#60:Computer Mathematics #60  RE260_FT#5:Geographical Information System _VT#5 BIT121/BIT221PT:Data Information and Management PT#10 
A1Sat   AFIN434PT/DL#15:Quick Books Computerised Accounting PT/DIST       
A1Sun     BIT112PT#10:Pseudo Code and Programming Logic PT#10BIT107PT/DL #9:Operating Systems Operations and Services PT/DL#9  

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (9/9/2021 16:31)