University of Lusaka

BBA410.#SVRST:Strategic Management #81  (2/7)
(P) BPS41:Bachelor of Science Purchasing & Supply 4th Yr 1st Semester Thu [14:00-15:00]...[15:00-16:00]   (2)
(P) BLTM41:Bachelor of Science in Logistics and Transport Management 4th Yr 1st Semester
(R) SVT_BUS002#252:Silverest Lecture Room 02 BUSINESS BLOCK#252
(P) AFIN41:Bachelor of Science Accounting & Finance 4th Yr 1st Semester
(P) BACT41:Bachelor of Science In Actuarial Science 4th Yr 1st Semester
(P) BBA41:Bachelor of Business Administration 4th Yr 1st Semester
(P) BPA41:Bachelor of Science Public Administration 4th Yr 1st Semester
(P) BSM41:Bachelor of Science Marketing 4th Yr 1st Semester
(P) ECA41:Bachelor of Arts Economics 4th Yr 1st Semester
(P) ECF41:Bachelor of Science Economics 4st Yr 1st Semester
(P) HRM41:Bachelor of Science Human Resources 4th Yr 1st Semester
(L) B001:Mrs Rebecca Katowa

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (15/07/2024 18:08)