A1 | Mon | BPS430#10:Audit practice and performance review in Purchasing #10 | BIT320#15.:Group Studio ICT Projects #15 | BPA202:Administrative Law For Public Administation#150 | BBA100_ED.:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications #200 | | | ECF250PT#50:Financial Economics #50
A1 | Tue | BDS311#20:Local Development Strategies #20 | L410#35:Banking Law and Practice #35 | | | BPA112 #10.:Constitutional Law for Education/#10 | | | | | | | |
A1 | Wed | BSM340_PNR:Marketing Research #25 | | | BPA202:Administrative Law For Public Administation#150 | | BPA340.#5:Public Policy Formulation & Implementation #5 | | BPS380PT#6:Storage, Packaging and Distribution PT#5
A1 | Thu | BSM340_PNR:Marketing Research #25 | L410#35:Banking Law and Practice #35 | BDS223#25.:Poverty and Development #25 | EC/350#25:Labour Economics 3/1#25 | | | | | | | |
A1 | Fri | BDS324#25.:Natural Resource Management and Development #25 | | | | | EC/350#25:Labour Economics 3/1#25 | HRM460_TT:Leadership: Theory & Practice TUTORIAL | ECF211PT:Mathematics For Economics I #60
A1 | Sat | | | | | | BAS370 #7:Insurance and Pensions Law #7 | | | | | | |
| 08:00-09:00 | 09:00-10:00 | 10:00-11:00 | 11:00-12:00 | 12:00-13:00 | 13:00-14:00 | 14:00-15:00 | 15:00-16:00 | 16:00-17:00 | 17:00-17:30 | 17:30-18:00 | 18:00-18:30 | 18:30-19:00 | 19:00-19:30 | 19:30-20:00 | 20:00-20:30