Bachelor of Science Public Health 3rd Yr 1st Semester A1
   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
BSPH315#50 Health Mapping & GIS #50
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
LH018#160 Room18@ Computer Lab @ Leopards Hill Center 1st Floor New Building Capacity #160
BSPH312#60 Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #60
LH007#120 Room 007 @ Leopard Hills Campus
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH311#60 Occupational Health & Ergonomics #60
LH008#120 Room 8 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H033 Mrs Musonda Mubanga Phiri
BSPH312#60.. Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #60
LH009#120 Room 9 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH312#60.. Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #60
LH009#120 Room 9 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH311#60 Occupational Health & Ergonomics #60
LH008#120 Room 8 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H033 Mrs Musonda Mubanga Phiri
BSPH311.#60. Occupational Health & Ergonomics FT#40
LH007#120 Room 007 @ Leopard Hills Campus
H033 Mrs Musonda Mubanga Phiri
BSPH313#57 Mental Health #57
LH012#55 Room 12 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#42
H016 Mr Friday Kasisi
BSPH314.#60 Community Health Nutrition #60
LH009#120 Room 9 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
BSPH311#60. Occupational Health & Ergonomics FT#40
LH009#120 Room 9 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H033 Mrs Musonda Mubanga Phiri
BSPH313#57 Mental Health #57
LH012#55 Room 12 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#42
H016 Mr Friday Kasisi
BSPH313#57 Mental Health #57
LH012#55 Room 12 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#42
H016 Mr Friday Kasisi
BSPH314.LAB Community Health Nutrition #30
H018 Mr Anderson Lungu
SILVRST_B_LAB Silverest Biology Lab
BSPH312#60 Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health #60
LH007#120 Room 007 @ Leopard Hills Campus
H047 Mrs Anne Silondwa
BSPH315#50 Health Mapping & GIS #50
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
LH018#160 Room18@ Computer Lab @ Leopards Hill Center 1st Floor New Building Capacity #160
BSPH315#50 Health Mapping & GIS #50
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
LH018#160 Room18@ Computer Lab @ Leopards Hill Center 1st Floor New Building Capacity #160
BSPH315#50 Health Mapping & GIS #50
H038 Ms Francisca Kawamya
LH018#160 Room18@ Computer Lab @ Leopards Hill Center 1st Floor New Building Capacity #160
BSPH313#60 Mental Health #60
LH010#120 Room 10 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H016 Mr Friday Kasisi
BSPH314.#60. Community Health Nutrition #60
LH008#120 Room 8 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
BSPH314.#60. Community Health Nutrition #60
LH008#120 Room 8 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
BSPH314.#60. Community Health Nutrition #60
LH008#120 Room 8 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#35
H012 Dr.C.Kasase
Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Mimosa Scheduling Software 7.1.9 11/4/2022 17:12
University of Lusaka