University of Lusaka
residential 2nd semester 2022.mfw  

BSPH413#113:Health Systems Development and Management #113  (6/16)
(Sat - Sun)
(R) LHOEXH#132:Old Examination Hall #132 Sat [12:00-13:00]...[15:00-16:00]   (4)
Sun [08:00-09:00]...[09:00-10:00]   (2)
(L) PG044:Dr John Haloka
(P) BSPH41:Bachelor of Science Public Health 4th Yr 1st Semester
(P) BPA42:Bachelor of Science Public Administration 4th Yr 2nd Semester
(P) BDS42:Bachelor of Science Development Studies 4th Yr 2nd Semester

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (11/4/2022 17:12)