RM13#35:Lecture Room 13 @ Pioneer Campus Capacity#35 [rm13#35.ics] (Mon - Sun)
| 08:00-09:00 | 09:00-10:00 | 10:00-11:00 | 11:00-12:00 | 12:00-13:00 | 13:00-14:00 | 14:00-15:00 | 15:00-16:00 | 16:00-17:00 | 17:00-17:30 | 17:30-18:00 | 18:00-18:30 | 18:30-19:00 | 19:00-19:30 | 19:30-20:00 | 20:00-20:30
A1 | Mon | AFIN318#35:Audit and Assurance #35 | EC350#12:Labour Economics #12 | BPS260#11..:Standard Bidding Documents #11 | BIT446#13:Strategic Information Systems and Business Policy#13 | ECF211#24:Intermediate Microeconomics#24 | BDS213.#11:Nutrition and Food Security #11 |
A1 | Tue | ECF211#24:Intermediate Microeconomics#24 | BF210.#10..:Monetary And Financial Systems #10 | BIT323/325#30:Introduction to Business Systems Analysis and Design#30 | RE420.#5:Real Property Law #5 | | | | BDS223#25.:Poverty and Development #25 |
A1 | Wed | ECF211#24:Intermediate Microeconomics#24 | BIT112#25:Pseudo Code and Programming Logic #25 | AFIN318#35:Audit and Assurance #35 | BIP300#8*:Introduction To Information to Actuarial Science #8 | BDS213.#11:Nutrition and Food Security #11 | ECF211#24:Intermediate Microeconomics#24 |
A1 | Thu | BAS300#8:Actuarial Mathematics I #8 | BIT405#17.:Information Technology Law #17 | L410#14..:Banking Law and Practice #14 | EC430#40:International Political Economy #40 | BDS111#18.:Introduction to Development #18 | BPA112 #16.:Contitutional Law For Education#16 |
A1 | Fri | BIT316/441#30:Information Systems Project Management#30 | L410#14..:Banking Law and Practice #14 | BIP300#8*:Introduction To Information to Actuarial Science #8 | HRM310#12.*:Perfomance Management #12 | L410#14..:Banking Law and Practice #14 | BIT442.#11:Information Sytems Society#11 |
A1 | Sat | | | BIT442.#11:Information Sytems Society#11 | BAS370 #13:Insurance and Pensions Law #13 | BDS114#19.:Development Communication #19 | | | | | |
A1 | Sun | BDS114#19.:Development Communication #19 | BIT323/325#30:Introduction to Business Systems Analysis and Design#30 | BAS370 #13:Insurance and Pensions Law #13 | | | | | | |
| 08:00-09:00 | 09:00-10:00 | 10:00-11:00 | 11:00-12:00 | 12:00-13:00 | 13:00-14:00 | 14:00-15:00 | 15:00-16:00 | 16:00-17:00 | 17:00-17:30 | 17:30-18:00 | 18:00-18:30 | 18:30-19:00 | 19:00-19:30 | 19:30-20:00 | 20:00-20:30