University of Lusaka
residential 2nd semester 2022.mfw  

BFIN41:Bachelor of Science Banking & Finance 4th Yr 1st Semester [bfin41.ics]
(Mon - Sun)
A1Mon    BBA420#211:Organizational Theory & Behavior #211     BF410#12:Corporate & Merchant Banking #12 
A1Tue  BF410#12.:Corporate & Merchant Banking #12       BBA420#211:Organizational Theory & Behavior #211 
A1Wed      BF410#12:Corporate & Merchant Banking #12        
A1Thu    L410#14..:Banking Law and Practice #14BF410#12:Corporate & Merchant Banking #12        
A1Fri  L410#14..:Banking Law and Practice #14BBA420#211:Organizational Theory & Behavior #211  L410#14..:Banking Law and Practice #14     
A1SatBF420#95:Lease & Project Finance #95BBA420#211:Organizational Theory & Behavior #211BF420#95:Lease & Project Finance #95L410#14.:Banking Law and Practice #14        
A1Sun    BF420#95:Lease & Project Finance #95        

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (11/4/2022 17:13)