University of Lusaka

RM11#72:Lecture Room 11 @ Pioneer Campus Capacity#72 [rm11#72.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
A1MonBIT402.:IS Project /Research AFIN321#51:Public Sector Accounting #51BBA360A#60:Entrepreneurship & Innovation #60AFIN210_TT#9:Cost & Management Accounting Tutorial Group#110BSM210A#40.:Principles of Marketing GROUP A #40HRM100PT#30:Management Theory and Practice PT #30 
A1TueBAS209#25:Probability and Statistics I #20BBA350#55:Company Law For BUSINESS Students #38BPA200#15:Public Management & Administration #15       
A1WedHRM130#55.:Introduction to Sociology #55ECF211_TT#40.:Mathematics For Economics I TUTORIAL#60 BF150#15.:The Banking and Financial Services Sector #15ECF211#40.:Mathematics For Economics I #60BF360TT#60:Operations Research Tutorial #60    
A1ThuECF211#40.:Mathematics For Economics I #60BBA140D_FT#100:Business Environment Group D #100BBA360A#60:Entrepreneurship & Innovation #60  BF330_TT#100:Financial Risk Management #100    
A1FriECF350/BAS430:Financial Economics #45  BBA240C_TT#Z.CA:Quantitave Methods Group C TUTORIAL#100   BBA240B_TT#Z.CA:Quantitave Methods Group B#100BPS360PT#22:Operations Management PT#22 
A1SatBBA420PT#35:Organizational Theory & Behavior PT#35          

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (10/13/2022 10:41)