University of Lusaka

LH011#55:Room 11 @Leopards Hill Center Ground Floor New Building Capacity#42 [lh011#55.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1Mon  BSPH412#45:Health Services Management & Policy #45BSPH325#35:Medical Anthropology #35   L213PT#20:Employment Law PT#20 
A1Tue         L304PT#16:Environmental Law PT#16 
A1WedBSPH215_FT#25:Non-Communicable Diseases FT#25BSPH412#45:Health Services Management & Policy #45     L113 PT#20:Law of Contract 1 PT#20 
A1ThuBSPH311#40.:Occupational Health & Ergonomics #40BSPH221_TT#50:Health Promotion & Behaviour Change Communication TT#60 BSPH322#40:Health Economics & Financing #40BSPH215_FT#25:Non-Communicable Diseases FT#25 BBA140LPH_PT#20:Business Environment LAW PT#20 
A1FriBSPH222_FT#60:Human Genetics & Disease FT#60  BSPH311#40:Occupational Health & Ergonomics #40       

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (10/13/2022 10:41)