University of Lusaka

B008:Mr Pious Kaira [b008.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBBA100C#100.:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications GROUP C #100  BBA100A_BT:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications - ACCA_BT GROUP A #140       
A1Tue  BBA100A_BT:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications - ACCA_BT GROUP A #140     BBA100PT#45:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications PT#45 
A1WedBBA100B#100.:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications GROUP B #200BIT405:Information Technology Law For IT   BBA100C#100:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications GROUP C #200     
A1FriBBA100B#100.:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications GROUP B #200BIT405:Information Technology Law For IT          

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (10/13/2022 10:41)