University of Lusaka

PG_MScEM1:Master of Science in Environmental Management Stage 1 [pg_mscem1.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
W1Mon      MEM504:Environmental Earth Science & Natural Hazards ManagementMEM505:Environmental Toxicology
W1Tue      MEM506:Analytical Methods for Environmental MonitoringMEM507:Geo-Informatics
W1Wed   MEM504:Environmental Earth Science & Natural Hazards ManagementMEM506:Analytical Methods for Environmental MonitoringMEM505:Environmental Toxicology
W1Thu         MEM507:Geo-Informatics
W1Fri     MEB531:RESEARCH METHODS 1MEM501b:Fundamentals of Environment Management and SustainabilityMEM501:Fundamentals of Environment Management and SustainabilityMEM501b:Fundamentals of Environment Management and Sustainability 
W1SatMEM501:Fundamentals of Environment Management and SustainabilityMEB531:RESEARCH METHODS 1      

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/14/2025 16:45)