University of Lusaka

PG_IPM1:Master of Science in Insurance & Pensions Mgt1 [pg_ipm1.ics]
(Mon - Sun)
W1MonGBS550b:Management Theory & PracticeGBS550:Management Theory & Practice       GBS514:Managerial Economics
W1TueGBS541:Quantitative Methods         
W1WedGBS550:Management Theory & Practice          
W1ThuGBS541:Quantitative Methods      GBS514b:Managerial Economics
W1FriGBS541:Quantitative Methods         
W1SatGBS550:Management Theory & Practice  GIPM540/MAS760:Insurance Law & Regulation   GIPM540/MAS760:Insurance Law & RegulationECF520:Financial Risk Management
W1SunGBS550b:Management Theory & Practice  ECF520:Financial Risk Management   GIPM540/MAS760:Insurance Law & Regulation

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (1/14/2025 16:45)