University of Lusaka

PG131:Dr. B. Manchinshi [pg131.ics]
(Mon - Sun)
W1Mon         GIPM720:Corporate Strategy in Insurance and Pensions
W1Tue         GPFT620:Fiscal Decentralisation and Financial Mgt
W1Wed         GIPM780:Reinsurance
W1Thu         GPFT620:Fiscal Decentralisation and Financial Mgt
W1Fri         GIPM720b:Corporate Strategy in Insurance and Pensions
W1Sat   GIPM540/MAS760:Insurance Law & Regulation   GIPM540/MAS760:Insurance Law & RegulationMDS722:Public Finance & Development
W1Sun  MDS722:Public Finance & Development GIPM780:ReinsuranceGIPM540/MAS760:Insurance Law & Regulation

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