(G) MSCAFIN3:Master of Science in Accounting & Finance Stage 3
| WEEK1 [28/10/24...1/11/24] (1/1) Mon (1)
(G) MBABF3:Master of Business Administration- Banking and Finance Stage 3
(G) MBAFIN3:Master of Business Administration in Finance Stage 3
(G) MBAGEN3:Master of Business Administration General Stage 3
(G) MSCPM3:Master of Science Project Management Stage 3
(G) MAHRM3:Master of Arts Human Resource Management Stage 3
(G) MBAHCM3:Master of Business Administration- Health Care Management Stage 3
(G) MSCMKT3:Master of Science in Marketing Management Stage 3
(G) MPA3:Master of Public Administration Stage 3
SH:Sports Hall- Silverest Campus (R)
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