University of Lusaka

H039:Dr Chibozu Maambo [h039.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1Mon      BBA141_BSPH#116:Business Communication Skills BSPH Group #115 BBA100PT/DL_VT:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications PT/DIST VIRTUAL CLASS
A1Tue  BBA100A#100:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications FROUP A#100        
A1Wed BBA100FT#VTA:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications Virtual Class BBA141_BSPH_VT:Business Communication Skills BSPH Group #115   BBA100B.#100:Introduction to Information Management and Computer Applications GROUP B #100   
A1Fri  BBA140*LPH#170:Business Environment LAW/PUB_HEALTH #170   BBA140*LPH_VT:Business Environment LAW/PUB_HEALTH VIRTUAL CLASS BBA140LAWPT#30:Business Environment LAW #30

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