University of Lusaka

BPA42:Bachelor of Science Public Administration 4th Yr 2nd Semester [bpa42.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
A1MonBPA450_VT:Monitoring and Evaluation VIRTUAL CLASS      BSPH413_VT:Health Systems Development and Management VIRTUAL CLASS    
A1Tue  BDS312_VTA:Disaster Management and Development #23   BBA490_VTA:Project and Contract Management Virtual Class    
A1WedBPA450.#18:Monitoring and Evaluation #18          
A1Thu  BBA490FT#30:Project and Contract Management #30BDS312#23:Disaster Management and Development #23      
A1FriBSPH413#25:Health Systems Development and Management #25          

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.9 (12/1/2020 10:04)