University of Lusaka

VTA003:Virtual Class [vta003.ics]
(Mon - Sun)
A1MonL114_VTA:Criminal Law Virtual Class     BPS220_VT:Logistics and Incoterms VIRTUAL CLASS BIP310PT/DIS_VT:Liability Insurance PT/DIST VIRTUAL CLASS
A1TueL201_VTA:Law of Tort #120BPS220_VT:Logistics and Incoterms VIRTUAL CLASSBDS312_VTA:Disaster Management and Development #23 BDS223_VTA:Poverty and Development #15 BSL320_VT:Freight Fowarding & Clearing VIRTUAL CLASS BIP330PT/DIS_VT:Property Insurance PT/DIS VIRTUAL CLASS
A1WedBDS211_VTA:Gender and Development Virtual Class      BSL320_VT:Freight Fowarding & Clearing VIRTUAL CLASS BIP170PT/DS_VT:Marine, Aviation and Motor Insurance PT/DIST VIRTUAL CLASS
A1ThuBAS430 VTA:Financial Economics For Actuarial Science Tutorial BIT211_VT:Advanced Programming Virtual Class   BDS221_VTA:Development Policy Virtual Class  BSPH111-1PT/D#4:Refresher Biology PT/DL #4
A1FriBPIR240_VT:Diplomacy and Foreign Policy VIRTUAL CLASS    BIT323._VT:Introduction to Business Systems Analysis VIRTUAL CLASS BIT112#VT:Pseudocode and Programming Logic VIRTUAL CLASS BBA100BSPH-PT#5:Introduction To Information Management and Computer Applications # PT
A1Sat         BIP250PT/DIS_VT:Underwriting Management PT/DIST VIRTUAL CLASS
A1Sun  ED220FT/DL_VT:Principles of Curriculum Development and Teaching FT//DIST VIRTUALCLASS       

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